Hopewell Centre

Some may know it as the building from the Dru Hill, How Deep Is Your Love music video, others as once the tallest building in Hong Kong, either Hopewell Centre has its history. With its cylindrical shape, it was thought to resemble a burning cigarette or a candle, which was considered pretty risky with their connotations to burning and death. A feng shui master suggested adding a circular swimming pool on the rooftop to distinguish the flames so to speak.

The Repulse Bay

When talking buildings, feng shui and Hong Kong, The Repulse Bay is usually the first to come to mind. With a large cutout or ‘Dragon Gate’ featured in the middle of the building, you can find many examples of these on the island.

It is said that dragons come down from the mountain to drink water – this, in turn, is a symbol of strength and nobility in Chinese culture. Blocking a dragons’ path with skyscrapers gives rise to bad qi, so buildings built between mountainous areas and water typically feature these holes, which also provide uninterrupted airflow through the city.

Jardine House

Lovingly nicknamed as the ‘Building of a Thousand Assholes’, Jardine House features row upon row of circular windows. Before it’s crude nickname it was the first skyscraper in the city, nowadays it looks diminutive next to its leggy friends.

The round windows were chosen for their resemblance to portholes, a nod to the Jardine family’s strong ties with maritime trade. On top of that, they do offer some feng shui practicality, symbolising both the sun and coins, and therefore wealth and heaven.

HSBC Building

Designed by a British architecture firm, our friends in the west sure knew their stuff when it came to making this building feng shui solid. A landmark building in Central, they had plenty of lengthy consultation with some of Hong Kong’s feng shui masters to give it it’s is excellent feng shui. In place of a ground floor, you walk into a cavernous hollow atrium, which is said to invite positive energy and allow wind to flow through. Escalators are placed at an angle from the entrance, warding off evil spirits and preventing them from moving up the building.

Additions were made once the Bank of China Tower was completed nearby, two cannon-looking structures were added to the roof. Which are said to protect HSBC from any bad feng shui and deflect it all back the Bank of China Tower. The icing on the cake, a pair of large bronze lions guard the entrance, a strong symbol of wealth and prosperity. Talk about rivalries…

Bank of China Tower

While HSBC bent over backward to follow the rules of feng shui, the Bank of China did quite the opposite. The tower uses triangular prisms and sharp lines to mimic the shape of bamboo shoots; however, it’s these angular shapes that go against the rule of feng shui.

It is said that the knife-like edges cut good qi and spread negative energy in the immediate area. A high-profile death in the area and the financial collapse of a wealthy tycoon fueled superstitions and had locals critical.

Remedies were in order! Along with many plants and trees to purify the area, the building added a small waterfall that included giant rocks from China, all in an effort to bring about good energy and stability.